
Student Corner


Written by: Sinja Ghimire - 21125, Grade XI

Posted on: 05 March, 2020

Imagine if we could only be able to understand all the things then this world would be different. Being able to understand is the most important factor that binds two living beings. It won’t take any cost for an Indian and a Pakistani to be a good friend. It won’t do any harm if a Hindu lives with a Muslim .together. It won’t take a long time to understand each other.

 It is not difficult for a chef, a businessman or a doctor to work together. They just need to understand each other. The problem is more than half of the world population doesn’t understand for the betterment whereas the remaining population understands but still does not attempt for a change and hence only countable people make a move.

It doesn’t take more to love someone different from you whose thinking and interest are different from yours. Just be able to understand; understand each other's ego, failure, success, everything; understand that every human is unique. If only people can understand that every human is unique. If only people can understand this uniqueness, then the world will be nothing less than a paradise else it will turn into hell. The choice is yours.

As human beings, we have more duties than any other living creature the duty of humanity, the duty of respecting others, the duty of getting rich from the inner soul as well. Hence the most important task is to care for the soul for which understanding is the first step.