
Student Corner

Which place to grow up-Small town or Village

Written by: Sarthak Pradhanang - 20122, Grade XII

Posted on: 02 March, 2020

There are many questions to ponder upon in life. What about this one-would you like to grow up in a small town or village? Well, one’s reply varies with the other. It depends on your opinions. I stand firmly with the belief that it is better to grow up in a small town because of: the ability to contribute, civilized existence and the availability of facilities.

Living in small towns develops your ability to contribute to the progress of needed areas. When living in areas such as towns we are in a surrounding that is already on the path to progress. The knowledge regarding these progress makes it easier for the people living in towns to have ideas regarding the progress and development of remote areas. Also, townspeople have access to education which further develops their knowledge and confidence to contribute from their side to the needy areas. Not only this but townspeople are bound to certain systems or rules.

Townspeople are also seen to be more civilized. We have seen that the people living in towns tend to be bound by certain rules and regulations of society. We can witness rules at home, work, educational institutions, etc. This factor makes townpeople more civilized. Apart from this, facilities is the most important factor that makes living in small towns better.

 In towns, one can enjoy many facilities compared to villages. There are provisions for drinking water, sanitation, roads, transport, internet, schools, colleges, etc. The availability of such facilities makes life easier for a person. Obviously this makes it better for a person to live in a small town.

So it is the provision of such facilities, binding to rules and regulations and the development of the ability to contribute that mainly makes it better and fruitful to reside in a small town. Everyone wants to live a life that is easier, with favorable surroundings and progressive society. This can be fulfilled to a large extent if a person can reside in a small town. So, everyone should consider living in a small town for their advantage.