
Student Corner

Life in village

Written by: Prashant Shrestha - 20117, Grade XII

Posted on: 27 February, 2020

The lust of glamorous city life, actually unglamorous will surely make you lost in your life. At the end of the day what really matters to humans is a healthy, socialized and happy life which is the major composition we can find in the life of people of small towns or villages.

Just imagine you living in a place, breathing in the filthiest air, your ear tortured with the noises and your stomach full of junked stuff. This is the scenario of living in a crowded and polluted city. Why suffer from these if we can breathe in fresh and cool air, please our ear with the chirping of birds and hissing of winds and fill our tummies with the organic stuff? All these are possible in a village life. We get to experience nature closely and be all natural in our life. Even the stats have shown that the life expectancy of people in villages leads the life expectancy of people of the city by more than 10years. So growing in a city brings us a healthy and joyful life which ultimately helps us to be a part of society and the activities of social interactions.

Living just a life or a socialized life, depends on the environment you grow up in. Life in a village typically resembles a cooperative and social life where you got a lot to interact with your neighbours and elders of the society. And this thing is lacking in city life as life in the city is totally personal and  hectic too. We got to participate in different feasts and cultural programmes in villages which in turns create a special bond between the members of the community and this opens up a path for the individuals to learn about their cultures, ethics and norms and values. These all are the ways that teach to be socialized in life. Living a life with beautiful social networks and social bonds makes life a joyous moment to be lived.

Life is a short course of time which should be a happy time spent. Only wealth, facilities and services do not make our life happy. A happy life comes in  presence when there is the absence of materialism, stressed mind and personal time. Growing up in a village doesn’t divert our mind towards the greed of possessions and that will make our mind free of stress. Life in a village is close to nature. We can spend much of our time with nature and there is always a strong association of our soul with nature. This gives the warmth to our soul to stay happy. Likewise, we will have time for the family too. All these things wrap up our life to be happy.

It’s not actually bad to live in a city but why to choose good among the best. Village life resembles a quality and pure form of life that is lively, socially active and cheerful. If you want your life to be organic, choosing to grow up in a village or small towns will be great.