
Student Corner

Life close to heaven

Written by: Kriti Rajbhandari - 20116, Grade XII

Posted on: 26 February, 2020

“Who can describe the pleasures and delight, the peace of mind and soft tranquility one would feel in the balmy air, green hills and rich woods of village”- Charles dickens. Village life and city life are quite on the opposite spectrum with one’s advantage is the disadvantage of others. But I personally prefer village life rather than city life. Village life is close to soul, less congestion and has unity.
In the hustle and bustle of the city people are losing their identity. Around two thirds of the world’s population lives in the city making it very congested.  The life expenditure in the city is high.  People are workaholics and are not bound to their culture. However in villages people live with their elderly which in turn helps to cultivate their aged old culture, norms and history. 
Similarly, villages are close to nature. It is peaceful with no noise which makes one close to their soul. The healthy lifestyle, availability of fresh products, and less pollution makes people fit and healthy. This lifestyle reduces the chance of cardiac diseases, obesity, high blood pressure and other mental diseases. Nature is only a few feet away so one could enjoy the scenic and mesmerizing people of nature and never get bored of it.
One of the most prominent advantages of villages is the brotherhood among the local people. Villagers are really hospitable and kind. They have the culture of treating guests as god. Barter system is still practiced in villages. The polluted air of the city doesn't affect villager life. The divine temples in the cities are the place where people draw inspiration for their future. So it develops a close bond between family members and the younger generation.
At last, identity and uniqueness is protected in villages. Away from the hustle and bustle their lies a peaceful, fresh, lively and diverse landscape with its one history and culture. It is a gift of nature where nature lives in companionship with humans.