
Student Corner


Written by: Girwan Paudyal - 21107, Grade XI

Posted on: 23 February, 2020

I saw a thought-provoking sight while I was on my way to college on Valentine’s morning. Of course, Valentine’s day is a cliché full of ironic moments; but the sight before me proved to be more impacting than I thought. Hours later, my mind still wanders to that sight. Enough beating around the bush, I’ll tell you what happened. I saw a girl eagerly awaiting her love, her moon among the stars, with a red rose held in her hands. She was standing by the road and on the road, a funeral procession (like the ones Lamas have) trudged silently and mournfully along the road, a casket on shoulders held high. Ironic, isn’t it?

 How on a day meant to celebrate love, meant to celebrate “life”; sometimes things go awry and a curse befalls you. Yes, IRONIC, is the right word. But I had an even deeper thought, an “awakening” of sorts. I wondered how we live our entire lives inside our own little bubble. A bubble of laughter at times, desperation and sorrow at others; a bubble of hope and faith but also, curse and death. Seldom our thoughts wander outside this little bubble; seldom we contemplate greater things-truly greater things. Goes to show just how insignificant we can be and ignorant we can be to other people. We see faces, forget them as quickly but seldom do we wonder what story hides inside. The sight I saw on that day, I thought these very thoughts. Two different bubbles, just meters apart. Two different emotions, two different hearts. There is more irony to be found here if we only think more. A child blows bubbles frequently, they fly high-ignorance is bliss, but sometimes, they cross and they merge and we classify it as “rare”. Two people, same place, same time yet galaxies and worlds apart… Ironic, isn’t it?