
Student Corner

Who am I?

Written by: Chitra Tamang - 20112, Grade XII

Posted on: 13 February, 2020

When I try to recall my past memories, all I could remember is the old two-story home with four goddesses only. When I was around the age of 6, I remember my sisters carrying me in their shoulder, playing with me, feeding me and taking me to the pre-school. Despite the unconditional love and care of my sisters, I always used to seek my mom. My mom used to come home late in the evening working all day. When she arrives home, we used to fall asleep and she used to wake us, feed us, put us back in bed and after completing all household chores, lean beside me. Every day instead of bedtime stories, she used to tell me about what others told her when there were only daughters in our home, how my grandmother used to censure her for having only girls. At that moment, I was incomprehensible, used to feel her warmth and fall asleep. Whenever I used to walk with my mom everyone used to say; “Finally, you have a son after 4 daughters, nor then your ancestry would have been destroyed.” I was so small back then that I could not defend my mom but instead listen to them as a compliment. At that time, my mom used to smile back at them and move away.

Now, when I remember what people used to gossip about my family, I regard myself as a savior but also feel guilt deep inside that I could not be there when my mom had to face those terrible phases. Whenever I fail, get depressed, I always look back at my mom’s struggle and ultimately get motivated and move ahead. Days, months and years pass by, now our old tenement home is converted into the Bungalow where my mom rules our home like the queen does and my sisters roam like the princess under the love of a mother, father, and brother.

Time changed, placed changed, but my family’s dedication, diligence, and love for each never changed. I am me, not who you think; overwhelmed with money and love but the diamond of the family who always wishes to shine the light on the family.