
Student Corner

To our Favorite Teacher

Written by: Sandarva Subedi - 21121, Grade XI

Posted on: 12 February, 2020

So sorry for the day
What happened making you roar a big hey?
Do we apologize for what we say?
We are the ocean and you, 
Just attached with us like a bay.

With more murmurs and shouting
Little screaming and somehow fighting
With a big noise and irritation 
Doing our wants without hesitation 
A moment of silence appeared 
When our favorite Guru got tempered. 

At a glance, those glamorous blossoms disappeared
And face seems to be tired and fired 
Tons of sorry for our bad humor 
We are always the synonym,
If you are cancer than,
We are the tumor 
Feelings come out from the heart 
Your smile and courage is our body part 
So I promise for our accountability 
And blindly believe us 
We won't go beyond our responsibility.  

Thousands of tongue 
Are unsuccessful to explain your importance 
So sorry Guru, 
We want to be the part of your smile 
Not ignorance 
We will be in your footsteps 
We are a loose soil and give us the press
We are always yours please don’t worry 
Its last time and 
Finally glorious regard with emotional            Sorry!!