
Student Corner

If I could change one thing in the world

Written by: Prayusha Acharya - 20118, Grade XII

Posted on: 11 February, 2020

If there was one thing in the world that I would change, it would definitely be a Linguistic variation of the world. There are about 195 countries in the world and the fact that every country has its own 10-15 or more languages is astounding yet, pointless. Linguistic variations consume our time, disguise and demand more effort.

Linguistic variation consumes our time in learning languages. Instead of utilizing our time in retaining knowledge regarding various subject matters, we need to spend time just translating the basic words like ‘Hello’ in English to ‘Namaste’ in Nepali to ‘Ni hao’ in Chinese. The world is bigger and we should understand how to explore. Linguistic variation is tedious.

Language disguises thoughts. It changes the appearance of how things really are. One cannot feel the same way as they hear a sentimental sentence in their native language as they feel when they hear a sentence in another language. Linguistic variation makes our style of expressing worth more than our words. It makes a difference.

Linguistic variation demands our wasted effort. We cannot chat with a person from foreign countries without the help of Google or translator apps. Linguistic variation can sometimes be embarrassing due to mistranslation. Communication is difficult with this variation. Watching movies with subtitles isn't the same as it demands more effort.

Though languages are the identity of our tradition or nation, it should not bother us. I would definitely eliminate this thing from the world if I could. It wastes our time, makes a difference in our thoughts and makes communication difficult.  Everyone in the world could be using the same language and communication would be much easier.