
Student Corner


Written by: Sophi Shrestha - 21126, Grade XI

Posted on: 06 February, 2020

Self-esteem means confidence in one’s own worth or abilities. It is your opinion of yourself. People with healthy self-esteem love themselves enough and value their achievements. Everyone lacks confidence at some point of their life but people with high self-esteem take it as a lesson or experience while the people with low self-esteem feel unsatisfied with themselves because of it. 

It requires attention and daily-practice to boost self-esteem. People with low self-esteem are extremely critical of themselves. They judge themselves and use negative words to describe them. To overcome these things one should take themselves into positive things, challenge negative, self-talk should not compare themselves to others, etc. By adopting these things, one can become a person with high self-esteem. A person with high self-esteem is always respected.so, if we have low self-esteem then we should change over ourselves and become a person with healthy and high self-esteem. In, other words self-esteem means, how much you appreciate and love your self. It is often seen as a personality trait, which means that it traits to be stable and enduring. In psychology, it is used to describe a person’s overall sense of self-worth and personal values. A psychologist usually regards self-esteem as an enduring personality characteristic through normal short term value also exists.

The concept of self-esteem has its origin in the 18th century. The importance of self-esteem gained endorsement from some government and non-government groups starting around the 1970s, such that one can speak of a self-esteem movement.
