
Student Corner


Written by: Sashank Karmacharya - 20123, Grade XII

Posted on: 19 December, 2019

I used to wonder why some people love dogs so much. I was just not very interested in them. I didn’t like their smell. I didn’t understand why people around me were so crazy about them. I was once chased and bitten by a dog when I was playing with my friends. From that point I low-key hated dogs. Dogs for me were bone-eating mindless creatures that have no sense of right and wrong. This was how I thought of dogs until I met my dog, Seru. One day, one of my brothers was feeding a dog. He was actually trying to get the dog out of our house because the dog wasn’t leaving. We carried him outside but he kept coming inside so we finally decided to keep it. At first, my mom and my dad were pretty skeptical about keeping a dog because my mom had a cat allergy and thought that she would have a dog allergy too. But we kept the dog anyway. We named him Seru. I didn’t hate the dog but I didn’t like it either. I used to wash my hands every time I touched it. Now that I think about it, I was an ugly douche and hate myself for doing that to this day. Days went by and he was becoming more and more like a family. He was a young dog so he would do some stupid things. He would sometimes irritate us by throwing things around and biting stuff. Even though he did those things, we still loved him and treated him well. I’m pretty sure he loved us too because he used to be really excited when we got back from school or work to home. We were getting closer and closer then, one day he decided to chew my uncle’s laptop charger. The charger was torn into pieces. My uncle got so furious that he told us to leave the dog somewhere on the road. I thought he wasn’t serious but to my surprise, he really wanted that dog out of our house. I tried to convince him but he wasn’t taking any of it. Even though my mom was quite sad to leave him on the streets, she took him and left him somewhere. He was gone for six hours and we were already beginning to forget about him. But after six hours, there he was, wagging his tail and being all excited like we never left him on the streets. I almost broke into tears. At that time, I realized why people love them so much. There are no other creatures more loyal, loving and humble than dogs. There was no way that we were leaving him again. Now, Seru is the fifth member of our family. He is busy barking at his own reflection and playing with tiny insects most of the time. He is still a very playful dog and loves irritating us. Seru and I go on a walk every morning. Although he is not perfect, we all feel happy when we see him after a long day. Seru changed the way I think about dogs. Now, when I see a dog on the street, I have to pet it. I also feed street dogs sometimes. Seru brought a change to my personality so he is one of the most important things that have happened to me.