
Student Corner


Written by: Sairash Sharma Gautam - 21118, Grade XI

Posted on: 26 November, 2019

In the world of billions of online RPG-shooter games, I decided to code my own game. This is about "Rematch".

I set out with the idea by watching my friends play various multiplayer shooters as well as top-down styled 2D games. They are fun, enjoyable in small groups and will definitely kill your time with no effort. They are very addictive as well. I set out using Unity as I was familiar with it after using it for a few years to create random stuff.

I learned C# along the process of building my game. It took time, it would be almost 12:30 AM every time when I called it a day and hit the sack. That's the reason why I plan to name my company "Half-past Studios."

I love gaming and I love coding. Together with the combination of both my interests I was able to create something of my own and that was Rematch. A rematch is a PvP shooter game. You can play with 3 players with different controllers. Different weapons spawn every 5 seconds. In this game, each weapon has its own specific ability and damage. Each match lasts for three minutes long and after three minutes, spikes start to grow, reducing the play area until there's the last person standing which can lead to various interesting game mechanics. I am currently working on making a website for my game.

For further information, you can get into my website and find more about it. And I will be writing more updates on my game. For playing my game you can go to the site:https:// halfpast.itch.io/rematch. It’s just a prototype right now but at the end of this year, you can get the full game.