
Student Corner

Women: The Creator of Life

Written by: Saurav Dhakal - 20125, Grade XII

Posted on: 24 November, 2019

Woman is the one who gives life to others. She is the creator of this beautiful world. She is the angel who brings heaven to  house. She is a person full of love, dignity, kindness, and beauty in heart. She is the confidence of father, hope of mother, faith of husband, support of children and much more in life. And, with all these responsibilities, she is never fed up, tired, hassled or hopeless. There has been a benevolent change in viewing women in the 21st century. Modernization has brought significant changes in development in female strengths. Nepal too has jumped to that level where there is a wide view of women empowerment. There are yet some obstacles that are not letting women to come out in a dignified manner.

Now, women are to be looked with respect and love but there are still some chain of restrictions for women. The chain has suffocated women. In many villages, there is still discrimination between men and women. She is not given decision making power. She is kept far away from the facilities which may empower women’s life. If a boy goes somewhere out with friends for two days, it’s suddenly accepted. But if a girl goes out, suddenly a tag is put on her which will mock her forever. She is bound to do all household work. She is treated as some kind of property to be handed over. In marriage, she is taken as a machine to produce children and fulfill some other family’s desire for life. Women’s every moment of life is filled with, “Do it immediately”, “Don’t do it, it’s not the work of woman”, “Don’t you dare.” Should her life be so much dependent on other? Is her life confined with patriarchy? All these questions always strikes me, yet I have no answers.

I think everyone knows that woman has a great role as a human being. Her absence puts many in troubling situations. The life will turn into a mess. It’s because of her hardship, perfection and devotion that our house is a “home”. It’s often said, “Woman is an ocean of love and sacrifice.” I find this very easy to believe. A mother being a perfect parent is an example to prove this point. I believe in every possible way that people like to live their life without having stress, trauma and worries. The question arises, “Why does only men get to do so?” There is a great role of women to beautify her home with lots of affection and care. She brings differences in others' life bringing peace and happiness at home.

Finally, from the very childhood, girls should be given equal chances in all aspects. They should be nurtured and card with love and affection. Women should not be bound to live her life without her rights. The rights enlighten her future and empower her dreams. It’s not the pitiful reservation and taking about but the way of looking at females. She gives motivations and inspirations. It should be rightfully clarified that she also has a space outside the kitchen. She should be uplifted in society with respect and honor, not with burden and curses. After all, she is the creator of this beauty called life.