
Student Corner

Be perfect or be loved?

Written by: Riya Jha - 21134, Grade XI

Posted on: 20 November, 2019

"Nobody is perfect and that's why pencils have erasers " a famous quote by Wolfang Riebe. But in the real world do we all really mean it? Perfection, it describes itself as the condition of having no flaws and no defects. But actually, I believe that the actual definition is a word describing that really does not exist. Perfection can be relatable with a virus that enters in a mind of a person, gets attached to it and destroy the whole system! I have always hated the very word perfection because I was always told to be perfect in every task I get involved in. If you have ever seen a tree in the jungle you'll notice that the trees have many flaws. Every trees got something on, bunch of bark ripped off, odd distribution of branches and many more. But somehow they all are beautiful. But in the case  of humans, it seems such a bizarre thing that they start dissecting them into pieces judging each other for perfection. If leaning tower was straight, nobody would look at it but it's different. Many historical inventions were not the perfect ones but today they are recognized as the best ones of all the time. So all I can say is Love your cracks, no makeup is brighter than a smile on your face and love the way you are. Perfection does not exist and perfect people aren't real. To end it all, being yourself, behaving without the weight of embarrassment and being happy with what you are and what you have is the biggest favor, you will ever do for yourself.