
Student Corner

Disability a way of being differently abled

Written by: Kriti Rajbhandari - 20116, Grade XII

Posted on: 19 November, 2019

Disability doesn’t make you exceptional, but your actions and approach towards it do make you exceptional. A disability is a lack of ability relative to a group or personal standard or norms. Being disabled doesn’t mean not being able, but it means being differently able.

Physically handicapped can be the result of an accident or birth deformation. Of course, handicapped people can be functional within society and contribute greatly to family, work, art, etc. Just because a person is lacking an arm or leg doesn’t mean he/she can’t hold a job, run a business, drive a car, etc. But, what do we do to those who are handicapped and must rely on others for their basic needs?  Should they be abused because they are an economic burden on the country or society? Does the value of a person depend on his ability to add economic value to a country? If that is the case then the children should be universally wiped off because they are obvious economic reliance on family and society. 

When we hear the word ‘disable’ we simply think of a person who can't walk or talk or do everything, we take for granted. But I find disability lies in a person who can’t find joy in life and are bitter. Disability doesn’t stand as a burden between man and his aspiration in life. The real disability is the disability of will and determination. For example, although Hassan is a disabled person who needs to walk on crutches, he is one of the well-known athletes in Iraq. He is a weightlifter and has won lots of gold medals. There are lots of such inspiration in the world.

Disability is a matter of perception. Actually, who are disabled people? According to the Oxford dictionary, a person who can’t use a part of their body completely or easily due to accident, illness, etc is a disabled person. I believe they are differently able. Everyone in this world is born with different talents so they are. Disable people can do more than what normal people can do. They are capable of discovering black holes and cosmos by just sitting on a chair like Stephen Hawking, become politician an author like Helen Keller, develop mathematical equations like Joan Nash.

We need to change our perception of disabled people. They are different than us and faces several difficulties made by and for normal people like us. So we need to help and cooperate with them not because they are disabled but they are different than us and will do things differently.

                                                                                                                         Source: inspirich.com