
Student Corner

Urbanization and Its Effect and Natural Beauty

Written by: Samir Khadka - 21120, Grade XI

Posted on: 08 November, 2019

Human beings are unique creations of nature. We feel a strong and unique bond with nature. We are also the only beings that can save nature. Surprisingly, most of us don’t seem to care about her. Cities are popping up rapidly, and the natural beauty is suffering from terrible hits.

However, there are plenty of reasons as to why we should have natural beauty and more than enough ways to save it.

Talking about benefits, first all those resources that we get, we get from the environment. Indirectly, all that we see is a product of nature. There may come times when resources may deplete and it would be too late to take steps by then. So, we should focus on conserving as much of the environment and natural beauty as we can. Already statistical data shows how oil reserves are depleting and the greenery of forests is degrading . These are valuable resources so we must conserve them or at least reduce the amount we waste so that we can achieve a net win in the future.

City life and drab gray streets can get quite monotonous and frustrating. So, beauty should be there to provide us with a sense of being close to nature. People would argue that there are parks, but parks seem ‘artificial’ compared to green hills and lime green fields. Also, natural beauty is one of the main sources of tourist attraction. A very good example is our own country, Nepal. There are a lot of tourists as there is a lot of natural beauty around.

 As for solutions to the degradation of natural beauty, a major part of the effort should go towards educating people about conserving nature. This does not mean boring lectures and even more boring statistical data but actually involving them in activities. Public participation can do wonders and open a lot of eyes so that they really become aware of the effect crude development has on the environment. Also, the government of countries should also take some measures. Development should be sustainable. Technology has come a long way and now, people can indulge in “bio-geo-engineering” which basically means that development and urbanization is done with such an approach that mother nature takes minor harm.

As a conclusion, people should start protecting places of natural beauty. Since there are a lot of benefits and a lot of ways to conserve these places, we should not be sitting idle but actually making efforts so that humans and nature both benefit from it.