
Student Corner

The Lost City of Atlantis

Written by: Rushav Paneru - 28018, Grade VI

Posted on: 12 July, 2021

On one cataclysmic night, the gods sent a battalion of fireplaces and earthquakes so intense that the Utopian kingdom of Atlantis sank deep into the ocean, never to be found again. So tells Plato's infamous myth, which has captivated audiences for quite 2,300 years. Many of us have subsequently floated theories about exactly where Atlantis was: within the Mediterranean, off the coast of Spain, even under Antarctica. A well-liked idea is that the Atlantis myth is related to the fate of Thera, now the Greek island of Santorini, which was partly destroyed by an eruption about 3,600 years ago. But many, if not most, scientists think we are going to never tie Atlantis to a reallocation. "I don't think there's any question that the story of Atlantis could be a myth," says Patrick Nunn, a geologist at the University of the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Australia. But Atlantis isn't the sole legend of a sunken city. Similar tales are told around the world, and it now seems that a number of them are true. Plato was living during a volcanically and tectonically active part of the globe where massive earthquakes and tsunamis weren't usual. Many teams of scientists have tried to spot the situation of the lost city of Atlantis vainly. Many of the proposed sites share a number of the Atlantis story’s characteristics, but none has been demonstrated to be a real historical Atlantis. But, some scientists have discovered many structures, monuments, and statues that represent that The Lost City of Atlantis is real.
Where is Atlantis?
The biggest question that boggles the minds of all the scientists is that where is Atlantis. The narrations suggested that the town is believed to have sunk into the ocean after an earthquake or tsunami. In keeping with him, the so-called Atlantis was an oversized island located near the Rock of Gibraltar and consisted of a Poseidon temple and concentric walls and canals. Plato added that the town under the ocean should be somewhere within the ocean. However, no technology up to now has revealed any such city on the ocean bed. While some theories suggested that the Atlantis is found within the Mediterranean, off the coast of Spain, few also argued that it may well be even under Antarctica. For an extended time, Azores was believed to be the positioning of the town of Atlantis. However, the new researches have revealed a brand new site and therefore the scientists are sure that Atlantis is found in Cadiz, somewhere between the Spain and Morocco waters. The extent of truth during this story may be a mystery in itself. Questions like where Atlantis or get it on even exist for real are still unanswered. But until the reality beneath it is often completely unraveled, the planet will continue speculating about the existence of the best city of all times.
The self-sufficient and rich city
The fertile and exquisite city of Atlantis, where half-god and half-human beings lived, is believed to have been a self-sufficient region where people grew their own food and reared animals. Farmers within the city are accustomed to grow the crops within the fertile plains on the outskirts with the assistance of a well-maintained irrigation system. They also built beautiful buildings and other architectures from materials like black and red stone. They also had access to rare metals and even alloys like brass made and used crystals extensively for leisure and experimental purposes and had plenty of free time to even play with volcanoes.
References: ‘The Real Story Behind the Lost City of Atlantis’ by Johnny Spears; 
                      'Lost' City of Atlantis: Fact & Fable by Benjamin Radford