
Student Corner


Written by: Eshanee Manandhar - 28004, Grade VI

Posted on: 11 July, 2021

The universe is a collection consisting of many galaxies, planets, stars, celestial bodies, etc. We all live in this universe. With the process of the 'Big Bang Theory,' the universe had been made. Due to the expansion of the galaxies the universe expanded. The universe is formed by billions of galaxies and the galaxies are formed by millions and trillions of stars. However, the universe is mainly made up of important things. They are normal matter, dark matter, and dark energy.
While discovering in 2013 scientists have found out that the most dangerous thing in this universe is perseids. Perseids are the meteor shower. It occurs in July and August. The universe is incredibly large because it would even take a modern flying jet billion years to discover it. Also, it takes 1, 00,000 years to cross the Milky Way galaxy so we need a lot of time to see the universe. No one in this world knows how big the universe is as we can't see the edge.
The word universe is derived from the French word 'Univers' . Well, fun fact. Recently in 2012, the Atlantic astronauts had written in an article that space smells like seared steak, hot metal, and welding fumes. Therefore the universe seems much bigger since it was young.

Reference: Universe- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia