
Student Corner

Gender Should Never Be The Hindrance To Learn Something

Written by: Suphiyana Ghimire - 27016, Grade VII

Posted on: 06 July, 2021

Aman lived with his daughter. He loved his daughter named Saroha and let her do whatever she wanted to do but obviously he didn’t let her be a murderer and do something bad. At that time girls were treated badly but Aman never discriminated against his daughter's gender, so his daughter turned out to be as brave as the tiger and did not fear anything. She climbed trees, ate fruits and played with her friends.  

One day when she was going to call her friends to play, their mother scolded her and said “Do you not need to learn housework? you are not a boy so you cannot play all the day now go away. I will not send my daughter with you. I don't want my daughter to be careless and spoiled in her husband's house”. So that day she went back home sadly she asked her father why girls cannot play and need to work but boys can do whatever they want to. Her father asked who said that, Saroha quietly said “mothers of all my friends”. Then her father said, “Tomorrow I will go and complain about them to the head of the village”. 

The next day they went to the head of the village to complain the head of the village called all the mothers of  Saroha’s friend and asks what was the situation Saroha’s father told the head the problem and  these mothers said the head that if girls would not learn housework then who would marry them. The head thought for a while and said  it's true if girls would not learn housework then they would not be good at their husbands’ home.  Although Saroha’s father was disappointed with the head and his answer he did not lose hope and taught Saroha whatever boys were allowed to learn. She was perfect in one thing and it was swimming 90 feet. 

A few months later there was a  flood and everyone started to run away. The head of the village was also going to his parent’s house when his little kid fell in the water and started to cry.  The head did not know how to swim and cried for help. No one helped him but that time Saroha jumped into the water and saved the little kid. The head of the village was too shameful because he remembered his words to Saroha’s father. He learnt his lesson and rewarded Saroha.