
Student Corner

If I Were The Only Person Living On Planet Earth

Written by: Eshita Lal - 28015, Grade VI

Posted on: 05 July, 2021

As we all know, there are more than a million people on our planet. Day by day the population is rising. There are 7 continents on our planet Earth. In every continent, there are many people living there. There is no single country where there is no civilization.
           We all know that there cannot be only one person present on Earth. But let’s just imagine if there were only you who would be living on our Planet. Not a single person but plants, animals and you, well, in short except for humans all other living beings would be there. How would you feel? Have you ever thought about it?
    Well for me it would be fun but also a little scary at the same time. For fun, I would be traveling the world. Well, I cannot fly an airplane but still, I would find another way. I would go to my favorite places on Earth. I would eat my favorite foods, I cannot cook myself but I would go to the bakery and  there would surely be cakes so I would eat those. I would get many sweets, candies, cakes, ice creams, etc. After that, I would visit places like parks, playgrounds, zoos, forests and more. It would be so unusual being the only one there. I wouldn’t  then have to wait for my turn to come and play only for a certain time. 
      Being the only single person on this beautiful planet Earth would feel as if we are ruling the plains. But there are some disadvantages of being a single person living on earth too. If we are alone, we won’t be able to communicate and we will soon forget how to speak. So guess what I think I would forget all the languages I know. Buildings would start falling apart because there would be no one to take care of. The unwanted plants would grow and they would make buildings weak.
      Lastly it just would be weird enough to be living all alone in the whole world that would never ever happen and nobody usually wishes for. But if you ever were to be left all alone in this world with just plants and animals, what would you do?