
Student Corner

The Guest Parrot

Written by: Sameep Krishu Maharjan - 25020, Grade IX

Posted on: 30 June, 2021

It's the end of Baisakh, nature is really looking wonderful. I can see green grass, trees and the flowers  around my house. Some of the trees are very tall. They look like they are talking to the sky. Pine tree, guava tree, coconut tree, orange tree, parijaat tree, betel nut etc. Among them, the betel tree is my favourite. It does not mean that I like betel nuts. 

The months of Baisakh and Jestha are my favourite, even lightning and thundering make some kinds of fear inside me. This month ‘my favourite guest’ appeared without my invitation. The guest is the green parrots. The special tree that they came for is the betel tree. That is their favorite fruit. Most of them came in the morning as an alarm and woke me up with their voice. It looked like they were calling me with my name. Even though I was in a deep sleep, I was forced to wake up to the wonderful scenery. I could not stop myself from going outside and enjoying myself. I liked to click photos and  make videos as they inspire me to become a photographer. I sometimes sit quietly and watch them enjoying a sip of tea. Then sometimes I imagine, my whole family including grandparents, parents of the little parrots have come to enjoy the fruits.

This scenery continued for many years until a day came on which, including many trees the betel tree also cut down. Sadly my guest’s favourite betel tree is no more now. I was so sad that I won’t see them in the future. They won’t wake me up in the morning. They won’t inspire me to become a photographer anymore. I was thinking why people are so rude that they make such a decision that hampers others happiness. 

My guests from that day stopped coming. I always wait for them. But they never return. I always have a question to ask, why people think the whole planet is its property, why other creatures can not live happily and enjoy their life.