
Student Corner

26/11 Attack on Mumbai

Written by: Nishan Shrestha - 25008, Grade IX

Posted on: 28 June, 2021

The Mumbai attack is also known as 26/11 happened 12 years ago. Ten Lashkar-e-Taiba terrorists from Pakistan reached Mumbai by sea route. After they reached Mumbai they surrounded the attack area: India Leopold cafe, Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, transportation areas, Taj Mahal Palace Hotel, Oberoi Trident, Cama Hospital, Nariman house. Then they unleashed their plan and started to attack. In the attack, 166 people were killed and several were injured. The terrorists were commanded and directed by the Lashkar-e-Taiba soldier from Pakistan through mobile phones. In the mayhem, 9 terrorists were killed by Indian security forces and one was captured alive (Ajmal Amir Kasab).
The terrorists had divided them into small groups. The first attack started in Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. The attack was done by two terrorists Ismail Khan and Ajmal Kasab. In the attack, 58 were killed and more than 100 were injured. Then they targeted Cama hospital. Then they attacked Nariman house, then Leopold cafe, Taj Mahal hotel, and Oberio Trident. They planted bombs in the taxis in which many died. The Taj Mahal hotel’s attack was the most furious one. 6 bombs were blasted. Firefighters rescued more than 200 hostages. Many hostages and security forces were killed. NSG Commandos raided the terrorist through a helicopter. They landed on the roof of Nariman's house and rescued the hostages. The soldiers had a long fight with the terrorist in which some of the soldiers were injured. After the fight, the soldiers took control over the situation. The Pakistani government assisted the investigation and denied that the Pakistanis were responsible for it. The attack was planned several months ago. One of the terrorists (Ajmal Amir Kasab) claimed that some of the Mumbai residents helped them. In the attack 86 grenades and Ak-47 rifles were used.
The name of some terrorists involved in the attack were:
Hafiz Saeed
Zakiur Lakhvi
Ajmal Amir Kasab
Abu Jundal
David Coleman Headley
Hafiz Saeed was the mastermind of the Mumbai attack. He was officially renowned as a terrorist by the UN. The United States of America had kept a 10 million USD bounty on him. He was arrested and sentenced to 11 years in jail by the anti-terrorism court of Pakistan. Zakiur Lakhvi was Lashkar-e-Taiba commander. He was listed as the NIA's most wanted person. He was arrested in Pakistan for involvement in planning and directing the attack. Ajmal Amir Kasab was the only terrorist captured alive. He got caught holding an AK-47 rifle in a station. He was hanged to death at Pune's Yerawada central jail. Abu Jundal was arrested in 2012 for staying in a Lashkar control room and giving firing instructions to the terrorists. He was sentenced to life imprisonment. David Coleman Headley is an American terrorist of Pakistan. He was the chief of the Mumbai attack. He was sentenced to 35 years of imprisonment.
The attack led to damage in economic activity and social consequences of India. It damaged the infrastructure, biological loss, environmental damages, loss of market supply and government, social disruption, trade, and supply system.
Most people believe that Pakistan was involved in the attack.26/11 was the worst nightmare for Mumbai.
Nov 26, 2020, https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/26/11-attacks-how-terrorists-attacked-major-mumbai-hubs/articleshow/79419490.cms