
Student Corner


Written by: Siddhartha Malla - 29045, Grade V

Posted on: 27 June, 2021

Dinosaurs are vertebrate animals. They belong to the group of reptiles. The scientific name of Dinosaur is Dinosauria.  In 1842, The English naturalist Sir Richard Owen coined the term Dinosauria. It was Derived from the Greek Dino, meaning "Fearfully Great" and Sauros, Meaning " Lizard".Some of the Dinosaurs were aquatic, terrestrial and flying animals. 
Some of them ate leaves and some attacked others for their prey. Dinosaurs are extinct by an asteroid from the bed between Mars and Jupiter. According to a new theory, the devastation came not from an asteroid but from a sort of long-distance comet that came from the solar system. The earliest Dinosaurs originated in South America more than 220 million years ago. There is no evidence that dinosaurs are still alive. They became extinct at least 65 million years ago. But birds are a living group of Dinosaurs that are still alive. There were more than 700 hundred species of Dinosaurs. They lived on all continents of the earth. One of the biggest Dinosaurs was Argentinosaures.
Tyrannosaurus Rex was the most ferocious Dinosaur. The longest dinosaur was Micropachycephalosaurus. Lizards, turtles, snakes and crocodiles all descend from Dinosaurs.
Dinosaurs did not give birth to young ones as mammals do. Like most Reptiles and Birds, Female Dinosaurs laid several eggs.