
Student Corner


Written by: Sonam Sunner - 27017, Grade VII

Posted on: 24 June, 2021

Plastic is something that pollutes our world and makes it go bad. The cause of pollution is mainly plastic. Why is plastic harmful? Plastic causes pollution because plastic doesn’t decompose. Plastic is made of coal, cellulose, natural gas, salt and crude oil. Plastic can be harmful for animals. Especially for water animals, they might think plastic is food. Some parts of the ocean are filled with plastic and the animals suffer because of that. Some countries dump all the plastic in the ocean. Countries like Nepal that have no oceans have to dump all the plastic in the land field. The land field in Nepal is running out of space because there are too many waste products in the cities but not enough space to dump them. All the chemicals from the land field are getting leached out and it goes to our river and streams. And eventually our water will also get polluted. 
What is the solution to this problem?
At an individual level we can use less plastics and when we go shopping we can carry our own shopping cloth bags so we do not bring back plastics home all the time. As a country the government can implement new policies so that people use less plastics and substitute plastic with other renewable products. 
We should spread awareness about the harmfulness of Plastics. This awareness should start from educating students at school and also to people in high positions in government so that they can make better policies regarding our environment and use less plastic so that our next generation can benefit from a better world.