
Student Corner


Written by: Smriti Lama - 25015, Grade IX

Posted on: 23 June, 2021

Once there was a small village named Rumagau. There lived two good friends Ram and Sam. Ram was the son of a landlord and Sam was the son of a poor worker who used to work in the landlord's field. Sam was of lower caste so the people of upper caste did not behave properly with their family. 
But Ram and Sam were good friends, and Ram's parents did not like that their son was making a lower caste kid as his friend, Mayadas the landlord and his wife Yamini always used to scold Ram for being with Sam. But at that time Ram did not care much and he continued to talk with Sam. Ram used to go to school whereas Sam's parents couldn't afford money for his study. So Sam couldn't go to school. He always wanted to study and become a doctor but his poor father could not fulfill that wish. One day Ram asked Sam to join the school and Sam shared all his problems with him. Ram said that he would convince his father to give him money so that he could study. So the next day Sam went to the landlord's home with his father as said by Ram, his father gave some money to Sam’s father but also asked him to work extra so that he could return all this money with proper interest. So that day his father took him to school for his admission. He got admission in the same school and class of Ram. And from the next day they both went to school together, played together. Ram and Sam both studied in the same class. Sam studied very hard day by day he remembered his dreams and he studied really hard and became very talented. He always used to come first in his class whereas Ram used to become second. By seeing that, Mayadas and his wife were very jealous. When Ram returned home they scolded him they said that Sam is not a good person he now has become more talented than you. But this thing never mattered. 
Time passed by and they both gave SEE. And Sam scored the highest marks. Whereas Ram also did good but not as good as Sam. After the result, Ram’s parents became more angry and disappointed. They had decided to send Ram to Kathmandu for his higher studies. He went to meet Sam. He said that he would always remember him, and he shouldn't stop studying, he should become a doctor. Ater saying this Ram left. Same that day the headmaster of the school came to discuss Sam's further studies but with a heavy heart Sam said that he would not be able to study now he will have to help his father in work. By hearing that, the principal tried to convince him and his parents that a talented student like him should study hard and become a successful person, not a worker or a farmer. After that the principal said that Sam will go to City named Kathmandu for higher studies and I will manage that all. Sam was really happy but scared of leaving the family too. But after 1 week he went to kathmandu. He lived in a hostel. He did all his work by himself. He studied really hard, and Sam was also in search of his old friend Ram. After many years somehow they met and Ram was an officer and Sam became a doctor. Ram was really happy to see his friend being a doctor. They used to meet from time to time.  
But one day when Sam went to hospital  and saw Myadas there he bowed to him. He asked him if everything was fine. Then mayadas explained that Yamini was ill and urgently needed blood A positive but no one had that blood group and Yamini’s health was getting worse. Just then Sam said that his blood group is positive. And as soon as possible he managed to give blood to her. Seeing Sam helping his wife he felt very sad and guilty about his deeds to him and how he used to discriminate against him. And his wife was conscious she asked who gave her blood and after knowing the name she cried a lot remembering how she used to behave with Sam. She also apologized to him but Sam said smiling that you should know that no one is different because of their caste or gender, everyone is equal and should be treated equally. 
Yes everyone's blood’s color is red so how can someone be different from another? After hearing that they both were very ashamed and thankful too.