
Student Corner

If I Were A Raindrop

Written by: Sauharda Bajracharya - 26010, Grade VIII

Posted on: 23 June, 2021

If I were a raindrop, I would be pattering over the window of some random person’s house. I would just be lying there with my other fellow raindrops watching the view of the beautiful nature. Me and my other fellow raindrops would be there sitting in the window appreciating nature. I would have many feelings and I would be helpful and unhelpful at the same time. I would be happy and sad simultaneously and here is why.

The reason I would be helpful is because I would give life to plants and trees. I was created by nature and I would help nature in return. I alone wouldn’t be able to help these many trees and plants but just imagine, millions of raindrops falling from the sky watering the plants. Small children would be excited and would come in the small pools of water that me and my fellow raindrops made. They would row paper boats and laugh with so much fun that I would quietly watch them play.

They say ‘A drop of water makes an ocean’ and hey, they are not wrong. Imagine if, oceans, seas, lakes, rivers all dried out. Me and my fellow raindrops would be the VIP in that situation. I would make the crops grow and children would make smiley faces on their car windows. People would enjoy the relaxing sound of the rain. Some loner would love to sit by a window and see me falling from the window pane and picture memories in her mind that would probably make her either happy or sad.  These all would bring joy to my heart and soul as I would allow people’s emotions to flow out vividly.

All good things aside, I would be unhelpful to many people. I would make their clothes wet, people in the house  would have to rush to their rooftops to take down the clothes. I would make the roads wet, many people would slip and get injured from me. I would ruin birthday parties or marriages. If it rains too heavily, I would cause floods like right now in Melamchi and I would also cause a tsunami. If this happens, hundreds and thousands of people would be homeless and some might even die. This is how I am if you see me from the other side of the coin.

People would not be prepared for the rain and would be drenched with water, rain haters would not  like it. People who just got their cars washed would not be happy. People without umbrellas wouldn’t be happy at all. Then after me, the mighty Sun would come up with all its power and that would be the end of me. I would somewhere be floating in the clouds waiting to wet the earth all over again.