
Student Corner

The Helpful and Hardworking James

Written by: Remon Sangat - 25012, Grade IX

Posted on: 21 June, 2021

Once there was a man named James and he liked to play games and he was helpful to everyone as well. One day he was going to shop to buy bread, cakes etc and a man was asking him for food and that person was hungry for many days. James gives him food that he buys to eat at home. If he sees any needy people he uses to give money to them. He used to play many games but his favourite is football. His aim is to become a football player and he was quite good at playing football. He used to play tournaments and win money. He liked football very much and he played for many years and he went to join the national team but they didn’t take him but he did not give up. He improved playing and he again went next year and that time he took him for the national team. He was very happy to play for the national team. He improved his playing skills as well. He played for many years and he was retrained and he can not play football anymore in the national team. He used to teach children to play football. And he started small shops and he used to handle shops as well as teach children to play football in the evening. He earns a lot of money from that shop and He buy a big building with his friends. And they give that building in rent. They earn money from that building as well from the money people take flat at that building and they used to give money monthly.And there was a girl they both loved for many years and they decided to marry and they talked with their parents and they decided to marry each other. They start decorating their house for their marriage and they finally marry and have a happy life.