
Student Corner

Everything is possible with the effort

Written by: Krituka Sapkota - 25005, Grade IX

Posted on: 20 June, 2021

A girl named Sophie lived with her mother Riya, sister Kriti and dad Gopal. Sophie was 6 years old and her sister Kriti was 1 year old. Riya was a housewife and Gopal used to work in a construction company. 

Gopal used to spend his whole day in his job while used to do the household works and look after the children. Sophie was very good at studies. She used to perform very well in her academics. Their life was going normally when Gopal started drinking and got addicted to it. Riya did not like that Gopal used to come home drunk everyday. The only income source in the house was from Gopal's job but he started spending it on alcohol and it became very difficult for them to run the household and pay for Sophie's school fees. Riya tried to talk with Gopal about this. Gopal acted like he understood but he did not stop drinking. One day , Gopal came home very drunk and started shouting at his children. Riya told him to stop shouting. But, Gopal came to her and started beating her. Riya cried for help but no one was there to help her. Sophie was crying in her room beside her little sister. Gopal went to the room and slept. Riya slept in Sophie's room that day. Riya planned to live separately with her children. The next morning, Riya ran away with her children and some money to her mother's house before Gopal woke up. Her mother helped her out a lot. Gopal tried to contact her but Riya did not talk with him. Gopal still did not realize his mistakes and got addicted to drinking more and more. Riya started working in a hotel as a waitress. She worked very hard to educate her children. One day a film director came to the hotel and Riya served him food. The director was impressed by her voice and service. He asked her if she wanted to work in the film industry. Riya agreed and made her debut as a supporting role. Slowly, she started to get bigger roles as she was very good at acting. Her movies became famous and her fame grew very fast. She won many awards. Riya became rich and famous. Sophie and Kriti grew up and followed their mother's profession. They became a happy family .

Gopal started regretting his acts and started to control his addiction. He joined a rehabilitation center and worked on controlling his addiction.