
Student Corner

History Of Computer

Written by: Eshita Lal - 28015, Grade VI

Posted on: 20 June, 2021

A computer is an electronic device that can perform a variety of tasks at a very high speed. We can also say that it converts the raw data into useful information.
Computers also have history; the term ‘computer’ is derived from the Latin word ‘computare' which means to calculate. The first counting device is Abacus. It included a frame, rods, and beads. 
After Abacus was invented more calculating devices were invented like: Slide rule and Napier’s Bones. Until then finally, the first electrical computer was made. The Analytical Engine. It was invented by Charles Babbage. But due to the lack of technology and devices, he didn’t succeed. He was then called the father of computer science.

Lady Augusta Ada Lovelace was a mathematician. She worked with Charles Babbage and made the first programm. Thus, she was known as the first programmer. Then Dr. Herman Hollerith invented the punched card. He had invented it for his own work but he didn’t know he made an invention. Then he was awarded.

The First Generation of computer was huge in size, was very slow, and consumed a lot of electricity. It is known as vacuum tubes. As the first generation computer had many disadvantages, The Trio-group made The Transistor. Then after the third and fourth generation computers finally the fifth generation of the computer was invented which we are using nowadays. Computers are now becoming faster and effective than they were ever before. 

Nowadays computers can do tasks at very high speed without making mistakes, can do a task repeatedly, have a large storage capacity, etc. Modern computers may be very small and very big too. We are living in an era where we cannot imagine our lives without computers. This is one of the greatest inventions by humans in the history of humankind.