
Student Corner


Written by: Erish Thapa - 29011, Grade V

Posted on: 20 June, 2021

Water is one of the most important resources on this planet. Life is impossible without water. Every living being needs water for survival and growth. More than 60 percent of the human body is made of water. So, we need to drink two liters of water every day. We should not make the water dirty. If water is polluted or made dirty, we can suffer from many diseases. Dirty water also troubles water animals. So we need to keep the water resources clean. Water is used for many purposes like washing, bathing, cooking, etc. Conservation of water is very necessary. We can conserve water by using simple steps like using a bucket instead of the shower while bathing, keeping the tap closed when not in use, fixing leakage pipes immediately, and using a limited amount of water while washing clothes.