
Student Corner

Julius the Savior

Written by: Nishan Shrestha - 25008, Grade IX

Posted on: 17 June, 2021

2000 years ago during the Greek empire. There was a man named Julius. He was a 25 year old young guy. He lived in the village near the border of the great Greek empire. The village was controlled by a small unit of hoplites army. The people of the village were disrespected and discriminated against by the army. The head of the army was holaunel. He was a very strict and disrespectful person. He was sort of king of the village. The villagers had to prepare enticing and delicious food for him everyday. No villagers were permitted to leave the village. They used to beat the villagers using a whip rope. It was like a living hell. Julius was one of the villagers. He worked everyday for them. If he refused to work then they would beat him till he was almost near death.
One day Julius had enough of it. He started to form an opposition group. He gathered 46 members. Among them 31 were young people and 15 were old. After that they started to collect weapons. For that they used to steal weapons from the army quietly. They gathered 21 swords and 25 spears. They planned to attack the army in the upcoming festival which was in 3 days. In that festival soldiers used to get drunk and they wanted to take advantage of it. They wanted to secretly kill the soldiers. After 3 days the festival started. The soldiers were drunk. Julius and the people started to kill the soldiers. They started to kill the soldiers from lower ranks. After the lower ranked soldiers were killed they started to attack all the soldiers. In the fight Julius was heavily injured. He died due to heavy bleeding. Even though he died the people successfully won the battle. 16 people were killed including Julius. Julius and 15 others' sacrifice did not go to waste. After that time Julius was known as a martyr of the village and a statue of him was made. The villagers were thankful to Julius and the others.