
Student Corner

Lexi and John

Written by: Joya Shrestha - 25004, Grade IX

Posted on: 14 June, 2021

There was a girl named Lexi. She used to live with her mom, dad and her brother. She was a very disciplined girl. She was really hard working. She was good in her studies but she had a dream to be a gamer. Lexi and her brother used to play video games but her parents did not want Lexi and her brother to play games; they wanted them to study well. Lexi’s parents thought that there's no future in games/esports and they used to tell Lexi and her brother John that playing games makes people addicted and it's not good but they didn’t know that esports has a future.
Lexi and her brother John used to convince their parents and told more about esports but they did not believe them. Lexi and John always get scolded by their parents because they used to play games but Lexi and John did give up and want to show their parents that esports has a future. Lexi and John got sad because their friends' parents supported them but their parents didn’t support them.Their parents didn’t know that many people depend on online games/video games for livelihood. Lexi and John were big enough to think about their future; they both used to focus on study and game as well. They both used to work hard so their parents will support them. Days passed by Lexi and John were getting better at games. They both had jobs and they used to play games at night. Lexi and John’s uncle used to support them and one day Lexi and John had an argument with their parents with the same reason that is they play games and waste their time. Lexi and John left their house and worked harder. They started to live in an apartment and they thought they would start streaming. They used to stream the game named pubg. They started to play competitively as well. They used to go to work as well and they used to do streaming at night.They used to do streaming upto late night. Day by day people started to support them. Lexi and John were getting famous. Their subscribers were growing and also their views were growing. They were getting more sponsors.
One day their parents looked at their stream and they saw that their children’s getting donations and sponsors. They were feeling guilty because they didn’t support Lexi and John and they went to visit them. They apologized for what they did in the past. Lexi and John were very happy because they proved their parents and their hard work paid off. After a week they got a title sponsor and they were the first ones to get a title sponsor in their country. Their parents were really happy and gave full support to their children.

Moral of the story: Never give up on your dream.Work hard, give your best to achieve your dream and be successful so people can believe in you.