
Student Corner

The Disrespectful Daughter

Written by: Angel Dhimal - 25002, Grade IX

Posted on: 09 June, 2021

Once there was a girl named Diksha. She was a very rude girl. She was born in a middle class family. Her father used to fulfill her every need but her mother was against it. Her mother Rupa always said that it's not necessary to fulfil her every need. When her mother used to say that Diksha used to feel really bad, she used to take her mother in the wrong way because she thought that she didn't love her. Diskha was an only child so she was loved by everyone. She was sent to a good  school. But she really had a bad habit. She used to do a lot of show off to  her friends. 

Days passed by when her dad passed away when she was 15. She grew up. After her dad passed away she became more rude with her mother. Her mother was alone after her father passed away. Rupa wanted to spend time with her but she used to neglect her mother. Diksha almost didn't have any time for her mother. She was already grown up. She used to earn money and she became independent. Her mother used to ask time for her but she only liked to spend time with her friends and all. She thought that her mother was very clingy. She always used to argue with her mother about really petty things. She didn't treat her mother properly. She always used to give her money and thought that she had done a nice thing. But her mother wanted her time, love and support. When her mother used to talk about spending time together or going somewhere she used to think that it's very boring and talked rudely. 

Things started to get worse everyday. She used to shout at her mother and one day she left her mother in an old age home. After a few months when she was going somewhere in her car her old friend met. They  remember each other. She gave her friend a lift. On the way they talked about where things were going. Diskha shared everything with her about how  her mother was being a burden for her, how they used to fight, how her mother always used to ask for time and she felt clingy and so how she sent her to old age home. Her friend was really surprised by her words then she shared with her that her mother and father had both passed away a year ago and how unlucky she feels about not having a mom or a dad. She also explained to her friend how lucky she is to have a mother. She said, Diksha you are really a lucky one to still have mom with you, you have her but you do not know her value, you do not realize her love for you, she asked time with you because you are only the child and she has no one except you, you send her money that does not shows love money is not love, she has sacrificed so much for you, so learn to love her respect her learn to understand her value, and just then the car stops in front of old age home. 

Diskha was really feeling guilty. And she noticed the old age home and said this is the same old age home she left her mom here. And her friend advised her by saying that Rupa aunty is your mother, she used to talk so much about you. Diksha shook her head. She was already full of tears. She went in, saw her mother in the garden and hugged her tight. She apologized for all her behaviour. And she also thanked her friend for opening her eyes. And she took her mother back home and lived with her happily.