
Student Corner

Harry Potter and the Philosopher’ Stone

Written by: Sonam Sunner - 27017, Grade VII

Posted on: 09 June, 2021

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone is a popular movie. It is also called ‘Sorcerer's Stone’. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone is the first part of the Harry Potter movie. It starts when a boy named Harry, at the age of 1-2 years old, saw his parents die from the most powerful wizard named ‘ Voldemort’. But guess what? Voldemort couldn't kill Harry after he killed his mom and dad. He was just left with an unusual scar. And why couldn’t Voldemort kill Harry? Because of the power of love from his dad and mom. And then it goes on with Harry who has to live with his aunt and uncle who didn’t like him because he was a wizard but Harry didn't know that. This already sounds interesting doesn’t it? If I could rate it I would give it a 10/10 !Harry always wondered why he got that scar. It looked like a lighting bolt. Once he got mail, his aunt and uncle were shocked, because he never got mail. Once they read it his uncle and aunt tore it apart. After some time a whole pile of letters came from the chimney, window, door and more. His uncle said to move away where no-one would find them to give them letters.They found a hut. They were sleeping there until the door started banging. A tall man came through. He was Hagrid the wizard. He said all about the letters and said Harry was a wizard. Harry was shocked. His aunt and uncle wouldn't let him go to Hogwarts “The wizard’s school”. But what can they do? They are just humans. They can't fight a wizard. So the next day Harry went to Hogwart. That's when the interesting parts come. You might be wondering what a philosopher stone is, because that’s the title of the movie. Well a philosopher stone is a stone that can make you live forever, well atleast in the movie. And the only person who has eaten it is Nicolas Flamel who is the partner of Albus Dumbledore, headmaster of Hogwarts. When someone destroys the philosopher's stone the person who would eat it also dies. Voldemort, the most powerful wizard, was trying to get the philosopher's stone because he mistakenly gave Harry his powers when trying to kill him. While Harry was going to Hogwarts he met Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. He also met Draco malfoy but Harry didn't seem to like him. Harry, Ron and Hermione were selected in Gryfinndor house at Hogwarts. I really recommend this movie but if you can't find the movie then you can buy the book.

Reference: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone – 2004