
Student Corner

About Wild Animals

Written by: Rudrayani Shrestha - 30025, Grade IV

Posted on: 09 June, 2021

Wild animals are the animals who live in the jungle. Some wild animals are dangerous. They move here and there in search of food. They kill different animals for food. Examples of wild animals are Lion, tiger, elephant, bear, wolf and many more.  Some of them are carnivorous, some are herbivorous others are omnivorous. Wild animals play an important role in balancing the environment.  Nowadays, most wild animals are declining. Some of the animals are endangered. The jungle, the living place of the wild animals, is fast being destroyed because of the different activities of human beings. People clear the forest for agriculture and settlement. They cut down the trees for firewood, timber and building materials.
 It is a human responsibility to preserve wild animals. It can be said that the preservation of wild animals is our own preservation. So, one of the easiest and most effective ways to help wildlife is to preserve the environment in which the animals live.