
Student Corner

Should Plastic Be Banned?

Written by: Manasbhi Niraula - 29015, Grade V

Posted on: 08 June, 2021

As we all know plastic has become the enemy of the environment and the best friends of pollution. It has created a lot of pollution like air pollution, water pollution and soil pollution too. In ancient times, when plastics had not been invented the environment was neat and clean. Nowadays, plastic is everywhere, and as plastic is a non-biodegradable item, it will stay in our environment for 20  to 500 years, depending on the material and structure.  It is really necessary to ban plastic items so our environment could be neat and clean forever. In some countries, plastic items have been banned. Hopefully, it will be banned in all the countries. Even if it is not, we should properly use plastic and not throw them out. We should think of recycling it before we throw it away. In some countries, people have started research on biodegradable plastic and hopefully, it will be successful.