
Student Corner

Money Is Not Everything?

Written by: Rushka Sapkota - 29024, Grade V

Posted on: 06 June, 2021

Money is a very powerful thing. We can not survive without money. It is a medium to get the things of our necessity, comfort and luxuries. This is a fact. On the other hand, money is not everything. It can not buy everything. It can not buy happiness, love and care. There are many more things to do in our life than just spending and earning money. If we buy expensive stuff,  our money will run out anytime, so what is the use of just buying stuff and using it for once or just never? Instead of doing that we should spend time with our family or friends. If we just focus on money, one day our dear one will die and we will not care because we will be busy running behind the money. When we will realize that they are no more, and want them back. Will money get them back? No, so love the dear ones, give them priorities. There is a saying that  “We can buy the thickest and costliest of mattresses with money but no amount of money can buy us a good sound, night’s sleep.” These few facts are enough to awaken us to the fact that there are many other important things for a happy life, and money is not all. We should thereby give money only its due importance and not make it all-important.