
Student Corner


Written by: Yunil Ghimire - 24008, Grade X

Posted on: 03 June, 2021

The illegal act of misusing power, personal benefit, etc is known as corruption. Corruption is one of the most serious problems of a developing country. It has a bad impact on the country.  In our country Nepal many ministers take money to do the work of the people. They only think about their own benefit, not about the bad impacts it has on the country. Corruption generates and creates social conflict, problems, inequality, and many more bad things. Every year Transparency International has been publishing CPI which means the Corruption Perception Index of the whole world. The CPI index starts from 0 to 100. 0 means that the country is highly corrupted and 100 means that the country is not even corrupted and is very clean. The latest CPI index shows that the cleanest countries of 2020 are New Zealand and Denmark with an index score of 88. Then there is Finland, Switzerland, Singapore and Sweden with an index score of 85. Our country Nepal is ranked 117 with an index score of 33 which is very bad news for our country to be this much corrupted. In the Corruption Perception Index the most corrupt country is written Somalia with the index score of 12. Some of the causes of corruption are: Cheating in paying taxes, Lack of feeling of nationality, Lack of punishment to the people who corrupt, political power, Lack of awareness to the people,etc and many others. Some of the effects of corruption are it will make the citizens poor and politicians rich.It hampers the rules and regulations of a country, etc and affects a country in many other ways too. 

To make our country free from corruption, first of all we need to make an awareness program for the people who don't even know what corruption is. We need to empower all the organizations and offices who are working against corruption. We need to make our security and law more strict so that if someone sees people doing corruption, call the police and immediately put them into jail and take them to court. If we all support each other and fight for corruption it will eventually lead to the better development of the country and make the country free from all the dark things which will make the country bad. So, I am trying to spread the message that if you see anyone doing corruption in anything just call the police and let them handle them and make our country free from corruption.