
Student Corner

Chhaupadi Pratha

Written by: Estella Shrestha - 24007, Grade X

Posted on: 01 June, 2021

Chhaupadi pratha is an ill custom prevailing in the rural areas of Karnali and Sudurpaschim provinces of Nepal in which women have to live in a chhau goth (hut) located apart from their home during their menstrual period. Mensuration, a natural process and a part of the monthly cycle. Women are compelled to live in an unsecured hut and risky conditions. 

It is mainly of two types; they are major chhau and minor chhau. In minor chhau women have to live for  5 days in the hut and in major chhau, they stay up to 11 days, On the last day, the women take a bath, wash their clothes, and return to their home but even in some cases, they are not allowed to use public water sources on the very last day. The place is not safe and as we know that women are considered impure during their periods and cannot involve themselves in daily activities. They isolate themselves and sleep in a small hut made of mud and no windows. The huts are prepared 20–25 meters and are sized around 1×2 m. Those huts do not consist of doors, are very dark, and have cold dirty floors. There is no such good facility in the hut, which leads to improper sanitation and could affect mental health and no one would be able to comfort themselves in huts. There is a high probability of dying because of suffocation however in such places there are different kinds of insects and snakes and this would cause a high risk to the life of women. Due to this custom, many women are suffering from physical pains, snake bites, attacks of wild animals, and the ill-treatment of criminals. 

Chhaupadi pratha violates women’s rights and creates violence in society. This custom is still being practiced in some areas of Nepal. This custom should be prohibited for women. Even if it is still being performed they should at least provide a better facility so that they can stay in the hut safely and comfortably. This custom is a completely superstitious practice. It is very important to increase social awareness among the practice of Chhaupadi. This custom should be discouraged by increasing awareness, maintaining gender equality, and women empowerment.
In reality, women are not getting the care and affection they need instead they are being violated. Women are pressured into this custom when they actually should be taking the rest in their home. They can’t meet their parents or family when they are in the hut. As a part of the family obviously, any one of them wants to visit at least once and take care and provide basic needs they are supposed to get at that time but they are not allowed to do such activity. Women are very emotional at the time of their monthly menstruation cycle while people disrespect and mistreat them as if they are not human. This practice should be removed from every part of our country. It may take many innocent women’s lives.