
Student Corner

The Citizens Of Big Cities Are Less Happy

Written by: Simone Shree Pathak - 24006, Grade X

Posted on: 31 May, 2021

Everyone wants to live in big cities and enjoy the lavish lifestyle of the rich. I mean who wouldn’t like to live in a mansion? The big and beautiful cities come with its own benefits and facilities that one can enjoy and live comfortably with. With the comfortable lifestyle in the city I feel like everyone would like to live in big bustling cities. That is how it seems on the surface. But there is much more to a city than its comfort and facilities. 

Living in the big cities comes with its own challenges and problems. It costs a lot to live comfortably in cities; whether it's your money or your happiness. It is said that people who live in the cities are less happy than those who live in the suburbs or the countryside. There are a lot of reasons for it. First off, living in the cities can be pricey. The more the facilities: the higher the prices. Especially when one has a bad spending habit. There are also other problems in the city; for example the problem of housing. Since cities are overpopulated and crowded most of the time; there is always a problem of housing. It has reached the point where many people get homeless because of the lack of living space. There are also a lot of problems caused by the crowd in the cities. Living in a place full of people can be suffocating.

Since cities tend to have a lot of people, naturally pollution will exist. Pollution doesn’t only pose a problem for the people living in the cities; but it also poses a problem for our environment and health. Compared to the cities; the countryside is much cleaner in terms of pollution. Alongside, housing issues comes deforestation. Because of the lack of land; people are bound to cut up trees which harms the environment even more. There is also a high crime rate in the cities compared to the suburbs. If we ponder about the disadvantages of living in the city, high crime rate is also one of them. High crime rate equals less quality of life. 

There are also a lot of reasons why a person is unhappy in the city compared to the suburbs. One of the reasons also has to do with mental health. Sure, living in the city is fun and fancy; however that doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re happy. The enjoyment and the fun one would be feeling in their first year of living in a big city will not last forever. Once we get used to the city, we will start longing for something more. Getting bored of things after you are used to it is one of the human tendencies and living in a big city is not an exception. One will lose the excitement they once felt while coming to a big city; after getting used to the city. However, with that being said, big cities are very lavish and convenient or at least that’s what they seem on the surface. So, it is up to us whether we want to live lavishly and comfortably in a big city by paying the price of our happiness.