
Student Corner

Population Management and its methods

Written by: Remoon Gorkhali - 24004, Grade X

Posted on: 30 May, 2021

Population means the number of people living together in a particular area. Population management is the study and practical use of ways of managing the population of a particular place and how to stop if there is overpopulation and how to increase the population if there is less population.

There are different methods to manage the population, some of them are direct and some are indirect methods. some direct methods are:

  • Delayed marriage
  • Proper birth spacing 
  • Family Planning
  • Legal Abortion

Delayed marriage: it is when a couple marry at an age above 20 so that they can have a child at an appropriate time and so they can understand the difficulties and face them.

Proper birth spacing: it is when a couple decides to have two children they should at least have the baby after two years with their firstborn so that they are sure about it and so that they are financially stable at that point.

Family planning: it is when the family decides about their future like if they want a child who many they want and how many can they take care of and how they can get financially stable etc.

Legal abortion: abortion is the act of killing the baby in the womb of the mother. A lot of people might think that it is a bad practice but it is better than having a newborn come into this world just to face problems they have had since birth etc.It also helps couples who are not ready and don’t have proper family planning to stop from giving birth.

Some of the indirect methods of population management are:
Gender equality and equity
Women empowerment

Gender equality and equity: it is when society gives an equal amount of respect and power to all genders and they stop gender discrimination. It is important so that women can freely choose and discuss thing’s causing less stress which might cause fluctuation in the population.

Women empowerment: it is when people let go of superstitious old practices like the women of the family should not do anything except serve the men of the family and do chores.

Employment: it is when a person gets a job where they get paid for the work they are doing. Before doing anything a person must have a stable source of income. If a person wants to live then they must earn money to pay their living expenses. Even if we use direct or indirect methods of population management we are still helping to manage the population and we should do everything within our capabilities to make sure the population is controlled and that it might not affect future generations.