
Student Corner

Women Empowerment

Written by: Muskan Singh - 24003, Grade X

Posted on: 27 May, 2021

Women's empowerment refers to giving women the power to make decisions for themselves. Women have endured a great deal at the hands of males over the years. They were handled as if they didn't exist in previous ages. As though all rights, including the ability to vote, belonged to men. Women became more aware of their power as time passed. The revolution for women's empowerment began there.
Women's emancipation came as a breath of fresh air because they were not allowed to make decisions for themselves. It made them aware of their rights and how, rather than relying on a man, they must forge their own path in society. It acknowledged that things may not always go in someone's favor merely because of their gender. However, when it comes to the reasons why we exist, we still have a long way to go.

Almost all countries, regardless of how progressive, have a history of mistreating women. To put it another way, women from all over the world have been defiant to achieve their current standing. While western countries continue to make progress, third-world countries such as India continue to lag behind in terms of women's empowerment. Women's empowerment is more important than ever in India. India is one of the countries where women are not safe. This is due to a variety of factors. To begin with, women in India are at risk of honor killings. If they bring shame to their family's legacy, their family believes it is justified to kill them. Furthermore, the education and freedom scenario is extremely regressive in this situation. Women are not allowed to continue their education and are married off at a young age. In some areas, men continue to dominate women, as if it is the woman's responsibility to work for him indefinitely. They don't let them go out or have any form of freedom.

Domestic abuse is also a significant issue in India. Men beat up and abuse their wives because they believe women are their property. Women are especially afraid to speak up. Women who do work are also paid less than their male counterparts. Paying someone less for the same labor because of their gender is both unfair and sexist. As a result, we can see how women's empowerment is a pressing issue. We must equip these women with the tools they need to stand up for themselves and never be victims of injustice. There are a variety of strategies to empower women. Individuals and the government must work together to achieve this. Girls' education should be made compulsory so that they do not become illiterate and unable to support themselves. Women, regardless of gender, must be given equal chances in all fields. Furthermore, they must be paid equally. Abolishing child marriage is also a solution to empower women. Various programs should be held where kids can learn how to fend for themselves in the event of a financial emergency. Women and young girls must be taught that their values do not lie in a man but rather in themselves. 

Most significantly, the stigma associated with divorce and abuse must be dispelled. Because they are afraid of society, many women stay in violent marriages. Parents must teach their daughters that coming home divorced is preferable to coming home in a coffin.