
Student Corner

Abusive Parents in Nepal

Written by: Anushka Basnet - 24001, Grade X

Posted on: 23 May, 2021

Having abusive parents greatly affects a child’s mental, physical, and social health. Many criminals and serial killers also have the background of abusive parents. Abusive parents even result in permanent harm in children. Emotionally abusive parents say things that hurt their children deeply. Such parents don’t even feel guilty for making their children believe they are worthless. Physically abusive parents are never a good example for their children. Abusive parents result in a lot of trauma in a child.
Having abusive parents is unfortunately not uncommon in Nepal. It is said that 8 out of 10 children in Nepal have abusive parents. Almost every child suffers from violent disciplinary actions from their parents. According to UNICEF, 70% of children are victims of psychological aggression, 50% are subjected to general physical violence and among them, 14% are severe forms of physical punishment. Not only parents but teachers, caretakers, and relatives also are part of physically and mentally abusing a child. And in Nepal, when they abuse children, children’s parents support them instead of their children. Children as small as toddlers are subject to physical harm by their parents. Children who suffer from physical violence, mostly end up being violent in their adulthood. Because Of these parental abuses towards children, many children have led to tragic death. 
These physical abuses by parents is normalized and tolerated in Nepal because of social and cultural norms. Such norms have resulted in many children being violent with other people. This also results in learning disabilities, behavioral disorders, several mental problems like depression, and even self-harm. Abusive parents are not even a thing in Nepal. “If they gave birth they have full rights to punish them” such is the thinking of people here. Even the slightest mistake can result in physical punishment to children. I personally have witnessed my own neighbour “discipling” his child so harsh, the child broke his arm. This was witnessed by many people but no one dared today anything as it may result in other fights. Such is the society we live in where no one dares to say anything against abusive parents which should be very much eliminated.

There are many rules and laws against parental abuse in Nepal such as “Under section 66(2)(d), “giving physical or mental punishment or disrespectful (or inhumane) behaviour in home, school or any other setting”   but things are still the same. Parental abuse still exists in nepal. In a country where 8 out of 10 children are subject to parental abuse, children are safe. In a country where parental abuse is so normalized, no one stands up against it, children are not safe.  
Parental abuse is not something to be ignored like most of us do. It is already time for us to stand up against it. Although all children deserve parents, not all parents deserve children and this is to be taken seriously. Living in a country where parental abuse is way too normalized, it is our job to now change the view of society little by little.