
Student Corner

Responsibilities as a student

Written by: Eshanee Manandhar - 28004, Grade VI

Posted on: 23 May, 2021

As a student, I am responsible to make correct decisions between right and wrong. For me, responsibility is made up of 5 elements. Those elements are honesty, compassion, courage, accountability and respect.

I have started to know that no one can live my life for me. I am the only one in charge of it. No matter how hard I try to blame others I know that every event is the result of choices that I have made. What I know is if we shape our lives we shape ourselves. So why not be responsible? Responsible person treats others fairly. They are trustworthy. Being responsible has taught me to become more active-orientated and even gain confidence. I am even benefited by being responsible because

  • I have become more confident.
  • I can solve more problems than before.
  • I have improved my decision-making ability.

In some contexts, we only talk about our rights but fail to talk about our responsibilities which is very much necessary. So, when we know about our responsibility we can enjoy all our rights.
Being responsible is a learned behavior and our own future lies in our own hands. So, let’s be responsible and strive harder for our own success.