
Student Corner

Natural resources and its conservation

Written by: Himani Bhattarai - 24011, Grade X

Posted on: 20 May, 2021

These were the two most important things that should be done in order to conserve environment.Beside these there are many more some small steps we can implement in order to help in the conservation of Resources.Some of them are listed below

  • Harvest rainwater.
  • Install water-saving shower heads or flow restrictors.
  • Don’t leave the taps open.
  • Develop use of electric vehicles 
  • Use LED light instead of a bulb which consumes more electricity etc.

Natural resources must be conserved. The resources which are naturally present in the environment and are utilized by human beings are natural resources.Air, soil, water, forests are some major examples of natural resources. These resources are formed without the need of humans but are utilized by humans to carry out various activities. Natural resources are very important in one's life as it is the major source of fresh air, water, various foodstuffs and minerals.These resources are classified into 3 types i.e. Perpetual, renewable and non renewable natural resources. Observing nature keeps our mind fresh and relaxed. Depletion of natural resources can lead to various harmful diseases.Some of the major causes of depletion of natural resources are:
Misuse of fossil fuels
Unnecessary use of water resources 
Overpopulation etc.
The utilization of natural resources without interfering in their natural regeneration and restoration process is known as conservation of natural resources. We must conserve our natural resources as it is very important in human life and without nature living beings cannot exist. If the resources are not utilized then their balance will be disrupted. Nature is degrading day to day due to misusing the resources and not utilizing them properly. It is degrading due to human activities. A little improvement in our daily life activities helps a lot in conservation of natural resources. One of the major things we can do staying at home or while doing household chores that helps to conserve the natural resources are:

  • Implement the 3R formulae in your daily activities.

3R stands for Reuse, Recycle and Reduce. This helps in conserving the natural resources. Many products used in daily life are made by natural resources. We can reuse various products such as cloth tote bags, mesh produce bags, stainless steel cups & straws etc in other works instead of throwing them. Many products required in daily life are made from Natural resources. By recycling new products can be produced in less time and effort. These should be implemented in our daily activities.

  • Stop the use of plastic 

Plastic is one of the major causes for environmental degradation which affects the natural resources directly.So minimizing the use of plastic is amust.er to run our daily activities and survive.We must not exploit the natural resources for personal gain.