
Student Corner

Covid Crisis in India

Written by: Yunil Ghimire - 24008, Grade X

Posted on: 18 May, 2021

First, let's start by introducing Covid. A coronavirus is a group of viruses that cause diseases in the human body such as respiratory disease. Symptoms of covid are varied but mostly it includes high fever, headache, cough, fatigue, loss of smell and taste and as well breathing difficulties. To avoid getting Covid-19 we need to include physical and social distancing, covering cough and sneeze, keeping unwashed hands away from the face, etc. 

Right now India is experiencing the worst outbreak of Covid-19. Daily around 400,000 people are getting infected by Covid-19. Many hospitals have run out of medical supplies and many people are passing away due to a shortage of oxygen tanks. This crisis began from the beginning of March and till the end of the month, the cases jumped six times greater than than the start of the month. According to the report, only about 34% of people have passed away in the hospitals while others passed away without even getting any treatment because of the shortage of medical supplies. Mainly Covid has hit badly on the capital city of India, New Delhi and it was placed under lockdown on April 19 and it is still under lockdown. According to the hospitals across New Delhi 8 doctors and many people have died due to the shortage of medical supplies and oxygen tanks. Just like New Delhi the western state of Maharashtra has been worse. Doctors have reported that they have even met 10-18 days old babies fighting for their life who was put in ICU. 

Modi's administration has delivered more and more oxygen to the states of India as fast as they can. The administration began to work from April to increase beds in the hospital and to build hospitals for the people who aren't getting any treatment in some of the cities which were stated by Modi. People who have lost their family members are not even allowed to see their bodies because it may affect them mentally and could pose a risk of getting infected, they aren't even able to do the rituals where they burn their loved ones after they pass away.

After hearing this news, many countries are helping India by donating medical supplies, covid vaccinations as soon as possible. Even private corporations like Microsoft and Google have sent donations and aid to India. The Biden administration and US Defense Department will be deploying supplies and support to India according to the White House and senior officials. The United Kingdom has sent medical supplies to India like oxygen and ventilators. Even their neighboring country Pakistan who both used to hate each other have announced that they will be providing the necessary medical equipment and ventilators too and many more countries are also helping India so they can get this Covid crisis to end fast. 

So we also need to hope that this will end fast and for this not to happen in our country too we need to follow what doctors have said and wear masks and gloves whenever you're going somewhere and always make your hand clean.