
Student Corner

Art my Talent

Written by: Samyam Rai - 29028 , Grade V

Posted on: 17 May, 2021

Art is the expression of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting, sculpture, craft etc. Many famous artists have made many beautiful drawings. These famous artists are Michelangelo, Rembrandt, Vincent van Gogh, Pablo Picasso etc. Among them, Leonardo da Vinci was the greatest artist of all time. His famous paintings are Mona Lisa and the Last Supper. I also have a skill in the art. When I was small I didn't know what art was. When I grew bigger I started to show interest in painting and crafting. When I was five, I could make perfect animals but I could not draw humans, devices etc. When I reached seven, I started drawing hard paintings. I made a lot of drawings and when I grew my talent also started to grow with me. But somehow, I was not good at 3D drawings. Now  I am 11 years old and  I am pretty good at drawing. I can draw large landscapes or made-up worlds of my own. In my school, there is an art class. I enjoy art class. Once I was selected in an art competition and I drew a painting of the Mona Lisa.

Till now, I have painted more than 100 drawings. I usually draw in my free time. I like to express my feelings through my painting. It does not matter to me whether someone likes my work or not because it is my work that I love to make. In future, I aim to be an artist.