
Student Corner

How important is Morality?

Written by: Simone Shree Pathak - 24006, Grade X

Posted on: 13 May, 2021

Many people in this world have something called the moral compass. Moral compass makes us human. It is basically the ability of a human being to detect what is right and what is wrong. This ability is present in many humans. There are two aspects to human conscience; morality and the opposite of it, which is immorality. Many people in this world can differentiate between these two aspects of conscience; however there are some who can’t do that. Those people who can’t differentiate between right or wrong are what our society calls, a psychopath or a sociopath. 

Morality is very important in one’s life. Not being able to detect what’s right and wrong can lead to some bad consequences. One might get deceived by others if they can’t judge what’s right and what’s wrong or it can be vice versa. Psychopaths can’t detect right or wrong so most of them turn into criminals. Because of no ethics and morality people might disturb someone else’s life. For living a peaceful life, morality is needed. Degradation of moral values among the younger generation is at present a blazing issue. Drug abuse, School violence, sexual harassment and other similar issues are now rising. This is not only ruining one’s life but also ruining others around them. 

As technology and the world is developing with urbanization, industrialization, globalization along with minor issues here and there; the ethics and morals of people have been declining. This has brought up the crime rates. If morals and ethics are not taught; later in the future people will have no moral compass and will not be able to detect right and wrong. This will lead to many disturbances and chaos in people’s lives.