
Student Corner

The Four Seasons

Written by: Tanishq Shakya - 28011, Grade VI

Posted on: 10 May, 2021

Earth has certain weather changes each year. Sometimes it is hot, sometimes cold, sometimes cold, sometimes windy and sometimes stormy.  These weather changes occur in different periods of time known as seasons. Antonio Vivaldi was the first to know (Founder) about seasons. There are four seasons they are winter, spring, summer and autumn (Fall). Every season has its own temperature, amount of sunlight, and weather patterns. Seasons last about three months in a year. Seasons occur due to the factors surrounding the Earth’s axis as it revolves around the Sun. A season is a period of the year that is great by special climate conditions. The four seasons spring, summer, autumn (fall) , and winter follow one another regularly. In the first the season named Spring occurs bringing the environment to life and making everything green. Then comes Summer bringing a hot climate on earth. Autumn comes next, making the leaves of the  trees fall and bringing a windy weather. Lastly Winter brings a cold climate. This process is continued every year. Seasons bring changes in the weather and climate which is very important for the environment to grow trees, plants etc. Many people like spring, many like summer, some like autumn and some prefer winter.The change in the seasons bring change in the environment, but all the seasons are equally important. We all should acknowledge all the seasons.