
Student Corner

Negative impacts of modern technology

Written by: Sarjan Waiba Tamang - 24009, Grade X

Posted on: 05 May, 2021

We are living in the 21st century. The 21st century is an era of science and technology. Modern technology has its own important effect on every sector of life. With the help of modern technology the things that seemed to be impossible in the past but now easily done in the present time. It is true that we cannot imagine our life without technology. Modern Technology is a growth or advancement in growth of science and human knowledge. Simply, technology helps to make our work convenient and easy. We cannot live without technology. But we are dependent on it. 

In the past, we can't think of going out of earth but in the present time we can go out of earth. But technology really helps you. In my view we shouldn't need more technology now. We are being dependent on technology. We should be independent. I am not against modern technology. It has some many positive effects as well. For example: while doing homework many questions I don't know' it is hard to do for me but I am using the technology to get my answers. I am just trying to say that technology is improving day by day. Many inventions come and go. Some inventions are useful and some are not useful. Some inventions can be useful for us if it is in our hand but if it is in our enemies hand. It is dangerous for us. I am talking about guns, weapons, nuclear weapons etc. If there was no such thing in this world there would be peace in the world. We human beings always run behind power. For example there is a boy who is studying and he doesn't know some questions. He will just open mobile phone and search in google and write about it. Next day he did the same thing. On another day even though he knows the answer is in the book but he uses his phone. It directly hampers his study. Honestly, saying we all are doing the same. It is also making us selfish. Technology shouldn't be vastly developed. There are many online virtual games. Many people liked to play it. They became so addicted to this game they don't care about their health. Even though I also usually play virtual games instead of sports like football, basketball, volleyball e.t.c. While playing virtual games your posture of sitting automatically changes. You may suffer from neck pain, your eyesight will be weak slowly due to uv rays. Nowadays the country which has more nuclear weapons is the strongest country. They start dominating other countries. Like India is dominating Nepal. We all know what impact happened when the atom bomb was thrown in Hiroshima. What will happen if the nuclear weapon is in the hands of a criminal organization? Obviously they can easily destroy the countries and many citizens of that country will die. Now in this case technology is not good for us. 

Modern Technology is also destroying mother earth. In many places there are nuclear plants. It is very dangerous. If a nuclear plant explodes from the nuclear plants many harmful nuclear gases will release in surroundings and it will destroy everything. We will be unavailable to survive there. There are many negative impacts of technology as well and there is a positive side as well.