
Student Corner

Oh dear Little Prince!

Written by: Ashish Dahal - 2026006, Grade VI

Posted on: 07 April, 2021

I had read the book, ‘The Little Prince’ in Term Three. It was a really good book that taught us about the world. It was emotionally true as well. The book made us realize about our childhood and its innocence. The main character of this book is The Little Prince who was very innocent. Some characters of this book are fox , rose, snake, tippler, lamplighter, the king, business man, conceited man and the author who was a pilot.

The Little Prince was my favorite who was also the main character because he was innocent. The Little Prince comes from a star somewhere in the Universe. He was alone on that planet and he loved seeing the sunset. One day,  he suddenly sees the flower on his planet. He was very impressed by the flower.  He would talk to the flower, which was a rose. The Little Prince thought it was the only flower in the universe and she was very arrogant because she would tell that she could protect herself from even a tiger as she has thrones. She tells the little prince to put the glass on top of her and give her water. One day he says that he wanted to learn many things and bids goodbye to the rose. He leaves his planet and visits many planets. On one planet, he meets a man who only drinks, on the next planet he meets a King who was ruling over nobody. Similarly, he meets a lamplighter, and many more but at last, he comes to the planet earth. Here he finds many people and also learns many things and sees many things. The little prince also gets to learn many things from the fox when the little prince was about to leave the fox, the fox cries a lot. This chapter teaches us about separation.  ‘Oh’ Dear Little Prince, how holy you are, how innocent you are!

The little prince was a lovely book. If I would ever find the little prince, I would talk with him and ask many things and I hope that he would be in good health. I would also ask if he had met the author and if he was in good health. I would also ask if he liked staying alone and whether he was immortal? But I know that he won't answer me!